**If you have badgework to present at a meeting, please remember to sign-up or contact your leader PRIOR to the date when possible. This will help us schedule time for both presentations and meeting activities.**


**PRAY PROGRAM participants come 3:00-4:00 to get signed-off by the Pastor

**Tenderheart Hiking Badge Group Hike - No badge presentations for Tenderhearts - meet at the trailhead by 4:00

**Explorers - be highlighting and memorizing your lines for the Theater Badge skit

**Make sure you're collecting items for the fundraiser rummage sale

**If you have a badge to present, please contact your leaders and let them know. LAST DAY TO PRESENT AT-HOME BADGEWORK is April 24.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Don't Miss These Upcoming Events and Activities!

The year is quickly coming to a close and there are many fun things still to do...mark your calendars!

Sarah's Leveling-Up Skating Event is Saturday, April 1st at Central Coast Sports Arena (937 Thornburg St. Santa Maria - behind fairgrounds). $9.00 per person w/o skate rental. $11.00 per person w/skate rental. Roller skates AND roller blades are available. No need to wear uniform. For information contact Melissa Girges.

Santa Maria Main Library Tour is Monday, April 3rd at 10:00 a.m. - this is fulfills a requirement for the Book Adventurer badge. For information, contact Melissa Girges.

Katie's Leveling-up Singing Event at Merrill Gardens Senior Living is tentatively scheduled for Monday, April 17th at 4:00 (1220 Suey Rd. Santa Maria). SIGN UP at the next meeting. We need to have at least 10 girls otherwise we'll shoot for another day. Uniforms will be worn. For information, contact Jill Martin.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Pine Grove Baptist Church holds an annual Easter Egg Hunt Community Outreach every year. Hundreds of children hunt for eggs at the elementary school across the street and then come to the church for a free hot dog lunch and bounce house fun.

The church has asked if our troop could help fill plastic eggs with candy. We need 4,000 eggs filled and a few members of our congregation are busy doing just that. We are being asked to fill whatever eggs remain unfilled before the event.

So, following our regular meeting on Monday, March 27th, anyone who would like to help out and earn some service hours can stay and fill eggs. Since it is dinner time, feel free to bring a snack or a "sack dinner" to have first. It will be a time of serving and fellowship!

There will be a sign-up sheet at tomorrow's meeting so that we can have an idea of how many helpers we will have.

If you would also like to donate plastic eggs or bags of candy (individually wrapped, no hard candies) or non-candy prizes (erasers, balloons, etc)., then please bring them to the meeting.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Some Changes to Note...

Just a reminder that Mrs. G will be out of town this week so there will be NO Pray Program activities at the upcoming meeting (2/13).

Also, the Foodbank Service Project originally planned for 2/11 has been postponed. The new date is currently being determined and there will be a sign-up sheet at upcoming meetings.