**If you have badgework to present at a meeting, please remember to sign-up or contact your leader PRIOR to the date when possible. This will help us schedule time for both presentations and meeting activities.**


**PRAY PROGRAM participants come 3:00-4:00 to get signed-off by the Pastor

**Tenderheart Hiking Badge Group Hike - No badge presentations for Tenderhearts - meet at the trailhead by 4:00

**Explorers - be highlighting and memorizing your lines for the Theater Badge skit

**Make sure you're collecting items for the fundraiser rummage sale

**If you have a badge to present, please contact your leaders and let them know. LAST DAY TO PRESENT AT-HOME BADGEWORK is April 24.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Looking to Secure a Few More Leaders

We are currently looking for leaders and helpers for the Explorers and Pi/Pat groups (our older girls). If you would like to help in this area and/or share the job with others, please contact Melissa Girges, Troop Coordinator, or leave a comment below.

Remember, we will meet twice a month and meetings center around service projects and/or badgework. Our Troop Shepherd, Paula Gamarriello, will be spending some time in devotion with the girls. So, as a leader/helper, you would select badges to focus on during the year so your activities would be already be laid out in the badge requirements. More than one mom can share the responsibilities so that it is not overwhelming. This is a great opportunity to help grow our girls in faith and service, making memories that will last a lifetime.