**If you have badgework to present at a meeting, please remember to sign-up or contact your leader PRIOR to the date when possible. This will help us schedule time for both presentations and meeting activities.**


**PRAY PROGRAM participants come 3:00-4:00 to get signed-off by the Pastor

**Tenderheart Hiking Badge Group Hike - No badge presentations for Tenderhearts - meet at the trailhead by 4:00

**Explorers - be highlighting and memorizing your lines for the Theater Badge skit

**Make sure you're collecting items for the fundraiser rummage sale

**If you have a badge to present, please contact your leaders and let them know. LAST DAY TO PRESENT AT-HOME BADGEWORK is April 24.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Don't Forget to Log Your Service Hours!

American Heritage Girls have a fun time earning badges, but we're all about Christ-like service to our community! Be sure to keep track of your service hours and earn service stars - there is a handy log sheet on pg. 68 of the handbook. That will fill up quickly, but you can staple additional sheets on top as needed.

The following hours are required for each level to earn one star:

Tenderhearts - 5 hours/star
Explorers - 10 hours/star
Pioneers - 15 hours/star
Patriots - 20 hours/star

Knowing service hours is also important for any troop member who wishes to earn her Level Award (Sacagawea, Lewis & Clark, Harriet Tubman, or Dolley Madison Awards).

Besides the actual service events, don't forget to include time spent beforehand. For example, include making cards and cookies for the National Day of Service, baking for the Trunk or Treat Event, and collecting items in your neighborhood for Care Net. Just add them into the total for a given service project - no need to itemize them in your log.

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