**If you have badgework to present at a meeting, please remember to sign-up or contact your leader PRIOR to the date when possible. This will help us schedule time for both presentations and meeting activities.**


**PRAY PROGRAM participants come 3:00-4:00 to get signed-off by the Pastor

**Tenderheart Hiking Badge Group Hike - No badge presentations for Tenderhearts - meet at the trailhead by 4:00

**Explorers - be highlighting and memorizing your lines for the Theater Badge skit

**Make sure you're collecting items for the fundraiser rummage sale

**If you have a badge to present, please contact your leaders and let them know. LAST DAY TO PRESENT AT-HOME BADGEWORK is April 24.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

First Service Project of the Year!

We are only a couple weeks away from our first meeting scheduled on Sept 12th and we already have a service project planned for Saturday September 17th. During our first meeting we will be having the girls get together in their units and make cards for the fire department, police department, and Department of Forestry. We will be going to each of the 3 departments in Santa Maria/ Orcutt on September 17th from 2 to 4 PM.

If you are interested in baking a little something to bless the personnel with, please feel free to do so.

This service project is not mandatory - please let your leader know if you will be attending.